With the introduction of camper vans to our rental fleet and with the addition of our 4×4 campers, your travel freedom has increased greatly. You are no longer bound to hotel searching, booking and check in & out. When renting a camper van, you can let the weather decide where to go or what you want to see next. Iceland is full of campsites and more and more of them are becoming all year around campsites but there are new camping regulations in play.
You have all probably heard the term wild camping and it is allowed here in Iceland but only in tents. There are new regulations when it comes to campers. That may sound very limiting but it really isn’t due to the amount of campsites we have here. There is a hardly a village where you won’t find a spot to park your camper and “in the wild”, most landowners will give you permission to camp on their land, all you have to do is ask. Usually it’s the farm closest that is the owner. The Environment t Agency of Iceland writes on their website the following concerning the new rules for camper vans and caravans:
When must I get the permission of the land owner or right holder?
• If you plan to camp near places of human habitation or farms.
• If you plan to camp for longer than one night.
• If you plan to pitch more than three tents.
• If the land is cultivated.
• If you plan to use tent trailers, tent campers, caravans, camper vans or similar outside organised campsites or urban areas.
There are also areas with restrictions to protect sensitive nature, birdlime or maybe due to conservation. Here you have a list of restrictions. As all restrictions, they are set up to either protect nature or you so please heed to them. To be honest, these new camping rules are set in motion due to too many people apparently can’t be in nature without destroying, leaving trash and marks behind them and as so often, the crowds pays for the crimes of the few.
Wherever you camp, wherever you stop for the night, make sure you never leave anything behind you. You never drive on sensitive grounds and leave tracks that will be seen for centuries. Others will come after you and give them the same experience you had in unspoiled nature with stunning views. You have innumerable places to camp in the wild but find the owner and get his/hers permission first or take advantage of any of the many campsites you will find are spread all around the country, some with all the facilities you can ever ask for while others are more remote, off the beaten path with maybe a toilet and running water. But be sure of one thing, you are in for an experience of a lifetime.
Safe travels! #GoIceland
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Find out where some of the best campsites are on the Golden Circle or on the Snæfellsnes Peninsula and start planning your camping today.